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Ainm a 'Chompanaidh

thin overgrip

Can’t seem to catch a grip on your sporting tools? Does it feel a little big and uncomfortable in your hand? Pantech's teanas overgrip tana should do the trick! This will help a ton in the way you play.

Say goodbye to bulky grips - try thin overgrip!

Grip issues can cause major problems, and even more if you need to play your best. Having a grip that’s too thick can make it difficult for you to control your shots. Pantech's teanas grip ath-chuiridh tana is here to B U R Y those large, uncomfortable grips once and for all! What this means is, compared to all the other gaming grips, you will have a much more enjoyable experience gameplay wise as you will not have the worry of your grip slipping or feeling uncomfortable.

Why choose pantech thin overgrip?

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